Coach Ashley is a nutrition coach and personal trainer

About Coach Ashley sparkle


Hi! My name is Coach Ashley! I’m a nutrition coach and personal trainer – specifically for women with hormonal dysfunction, though I work with plenty of men and women who are looking to optimize their hormones while seeing results!

I’ve been a personal trainer for 8 years and a nutrition coach for 10 years! And it’s been a wild and extremely enjoyable ride!

From Athlete to Nutrition Coach

I have always been an athlete. I played basketball through high school, became a runner after that, fell in love with CrossFit until it fell out of love with me, and then started using weightlifting to manage my hormones.

Before I was in the fitness space professionally, I was a nutrition coach – meeting people for coffee to help them with their goals or giving corporate presentations. But, it was a side hustle until I made the full-time leap to nutrition coach and personal trainer in 2016.

I’ve always been in love with the nutrition and fitness side of health and wellness, but it wasn’t until 2018 that I realized we can make both work for us to optimize our goals without using extreme measures (I’m extremely passionate about no fad diets or fitness routines, only sustainability!).

In 2018, I suffered an injury from CrossFit. I tore one of my ab muscles, making it nearly impossible to continue lifting like I was with CrossFit. From the ab tear, I had to re-learn my own body when it came to fitness and how to use nutrition to help with recovery.

Coach Ashley's background behind becoming a nutrition coach
Coach Ashley empowers others with fitness and nutrition

Empowering Others with Fitness and Nutrition

Then in 2019, after years of frustration, pain, and no answers with my painful period symptoms, I was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis. Just when I was feeling back to a good routine and BAM! Now I was told what I was doing was doing more harm to me than good. But the worst feeling was that I felt lost and unsupported by the medical system.

I spent the next year researching more about Endometriosis and PCOS (and other hormonal issues) and using myself as Exhibit A. I reversed and still manage my own symptoms through nutrition and fitness with both my PCOS and Endometriosis.

I’ve since worked with hundreds of women who have hormonal dysfunction – between PCOS, Endometriosis, Thyroid, all stages of Menopause, and more! I love empowering women with fitness and nutrition to reverse their symptoms and support them towards their goals!

My 4 Pillars

My online coaching services focus on 4 pillars of health:


How can we use fitness to reach your goal in a sustainable way, instead of using it to punish your body?


I follow an all foods fit approach. There’s no taking away your favorite foods to reach your goals.


Through daily habits, we can reach your health and fitness goals and have them fit into your life seamlessly.


Together we work on what’s holding you back and improve our body image.

Through these pillars, my clients have hit their health, fitness, and nutrition goals, optimized their hormones, and continue to grow from their original goals.

My Mottos

I believe women should take up space in the gym and in their lives.

I believe exercise and nutrition are not something to be used to punish our bodies.

I believe in sustainable results, not crash diets or fad workouts that leave you feeling like hot garbage.

I believe we should do and eat the things we love!

Coach Ashley's interests beyond nutrition and fitness coaching

Outside of Nutrition and Fitness Coaching

When I’m not running Action Ashley Coaching, I’m with my family – my husband, Dominic, and my stepson, Brayden.

We are a huge basketball family, so we are either at Brayden’s basketball games or watching basketball on TV.

I also paddleboard, read a TON, and hang out with my dog, Finn, in my free time!

FINALLY, Start Seeing the Results You Desire!